Thursday, 16 October 2008


Who rules thee world - Mammon = Devil

Beyound 2012

Please see attached video from you tube:=
The Mayan Calendar 2012 & Beyond - Full

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

2012 Evolution - Update on October 14th and First Contact

Please see attached video, regarding first contact.

The Money masters - How International Bankers took control of America

How to proctect yourself from this crash

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

8-8-08 The Beginning Stages Of World War 3!

Please see attached video

Secret World War 3 New World Order Depopulation Weapons
Drugs are used to control people.This is the sheep scenario. Bad gene pool, yeah right.

Pleiadian Global Telepathic Consciousness Shift 2008

What is happening on Earth now. Pole shift or shift of consciousness.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Death Camps in USA

Please see attached video
Secret Nasa Alien Ufo New World Order Conspiracy Exposed.

Blue beam

Please see this video regarding HAARP and weather changing experiments. Artificial eathquakes and weather changing experiments:-

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Aliens making crop circles

Turning Point of the Sacred Circle - 2008~2012 GoldRing
These are real not fake, it would take months to make these, yet these are made in afew minutes.

Three days of darkness

Shortly after the peak of the persecution of the Church that is, an attempt to abolish the daily Sacrifice of the Mass—the "Eclipse of the Son"—there may come a time which mystics in the Church describe as "three days of darkness."

God will send two punishments: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions, and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven. There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. —Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, d. 1837

There is a precedent for such an event as found in the book of Exodus:

Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and there was dense darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days. Men could not see one another, nor could they move from where they were, for three days. But all the Israelites had light where they dwelt. (10:22-23)

Science and Budddhism

This is a good video about Buddhism and Science. Emptiness is Form and Form is Emptinesss. The Heart Sutra.
Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART 1

Black Pope, Tom Cruise

Bloodlines, Mars, Tom Cruise, Star Wars, and the Black Pope
Please see this youtube video:-

David Ike, Aliens

We Are Not Alone - The David Icke Video Mashup
We have been working with aliens for thousands of years. Pyramids, Aztecs, Mayan Calendar, Atlantis, all from aliens

Saturday, 11 October 2008


IMF warns of meltdown

Parallel universes

Paralled universes makes it clear that changing the past makes no difference to our future. Take 9/11. If I went back and changed the future, say I told the FBI that this was going to happen and I showed them video footage. What I would be doing is changing the past in a different universe. Our univeerse would still continue so that 9/11 did occur. This combines with the butterfly effect from chaos theory to make every nanosecond choatic. Most people however behave in a conditioned way so predicting the future is not that difficult.

Parallel Universes [1/5]

Friday, 10 October 2008


Mccain is an idiot, like Bush

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

Another one who wants a new world order. I prefer divesity and uniquessness. We are non-dual, not one.

Depopulation: The Dark illuminati Plan
A smaller population is easier to control, 2 billion dead is their goal.
Stop this nonsense.

9/11 Conspiracy - Control

This was either a milary aircraft or a UFo attack.
They want to start worl war three to form one govenrment, one religion, one currency
Don't let them, we are all indivduals

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Channeled message from the galactic federation (18.09.2007)

Please see attached video:-

Life in the 21st century

Interesting video on the 21st century:-
REAL info on 2012 and Planet X ( Nibiru ) - 1 of 5

Pole shifts, Doomsday, Calendar systems, Mayan

Leaked Nasa Nibiru Planet X Doomsday Photos May 2008
Note its the end of the Age, not the end of the world. Galactic equinox.

Ancient knowledege - Sumarians

NIBIRU 2012 A.D. The End ?
Please see attached video
How did Sumariens know as much as voyager in the 20th century. Answer Aliens

RSA encrption

An excellent book on Cryptography is Richard A Mollin guide to crptography. You can get software on the net that will create text that the government cannot break.
One such system is called RSA. It relies on the fact that two prime numbers when multiplied together form a third number called a co -prime. While multiplying this two numbers is easy getting them back is difficult. This is called factoring. If you have numbers that are very large this makes it more difficult for govenrments to break.It relies on two keys , one is public and the other is private. The public key is like this big number, but without knowing the private key its very difficult to get the private key.

RSA-99: defined at Paul Zimmermann's site as the number 256724393281137036243618548169692747168133997830674574560564321074494892576105743931776484232708881
its factor is 4868376167980921239824329271069101142472222111193
He uses an elliptical curve method to factor numnbers.

This is taken from the website :-
Lets take an easy example say 19 * 31 = 589 . 589 would be my public key and 19 or 31 would be my a private key. RSA also does other things, but factoring is the heart of the system. So unless people know both the public key and 1 of the private key they are stuck.
For more information see wikipedia:-

Foo Fighters vs McCain

Interesting news article:-
I think Obama will win, and become President, that is rather obvious now

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

2012 DNA Crop circles Secret projects and more [1of 10]

These series of videos explain alot about what I have said in a more scientific way - Enjoy the journey - That is all there is - There is no arrival - LOL

Aliens and Religion

There is strong evidence that aliens existed at the time of Jesus.
Look at this yourtube video. Imagine how advanced they are now, 2,000 years into the future.

More crop circles - Complexity

This is a beautiul video on youtube:- Crop circles- Complexity

Software development - Chaos

How small changes can have big effects. Better to put more effort in design. Can't determine too far into future however, better to use RAD. (Rapid Application Developemnt or Extreme Programming)

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


I do not have miraculous power as Jesus had. I am fully human but I have a brain and that is all we need. Look at what we have accomplished in just 2,000 years since Jesus. The problem however is that we have also done some rather appauling things like 2 world wars and we might even have a third. I found this article interesting.
Japan's 'Cyberdyne' robot suit ready for hospital
DNA fingerprinting could reveal your surname
We can all be like Jesus, even more powerful than him to be honest. We simply have to believe in who we are. We are all Buddhas, enlightened beings.

Monday, 6 October 2008

How life really begun

Please see this youtube video.
Bruce Lipton - Fractal Geometry

Life from nothing

DNA Awakening - Spontaneous Dna - Cities of Light 11 11
Please see attached youtube video. You might have to copy and paste the url:-

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Every number is Unique

Every number is different from every other number. Like People, every number has its own special and unique properties.
The Cosmic Calculater

Famous People Quotes

Mathematics is the Queen of the Sciences and Arithmetic the Queen of Mathematics. She often condescends to render service to astronomy and other natural sciences, but under all circumstances the first place is her due.
Carl F Gauss(1777 - 1855)
Man can cope with n-dimensions but humans only 4. 3 of space and 1 of time. In the 4th and 5th dimsions there is complete unity which is what we should aim for.

Contact with Aliens

6 of 18-Bringers Of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiades

Message for the US.

6 of 18-Bringers Of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiades

1 of 18-Bringers Of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiades

Pleiades teaching, we should have 12 dna helix, not 2.

1 of 18-Bringers Of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiades

What is going to happen by 2012

This is what will happen by 2012.

2012 Emergence of Higher Intelligence GR45 Pleiadians 2012

Ig Nobel 2008 awards announced

I thought this was rather funny:-

Some nice quotes

"Algebra is generous she often gives more than is asked of her" D'Alembert(1717-83) French Mathematcian.
"Bees ... by virtue of a certain geometrical forethought.. know that the hexagon is greater than the square and the triangle and will hold more honey for the same expenditure of material"
Pappus of Alexandria(c 300AD) Greek Mathematician

How to Kill

This is an excellent book on state sponsored assassinations. It is called How to kill by Kris Hollington. An excellent book if you are that way inclined. Murder is ok if the guy you are kiling is Hitler

How to stop Governments from reading your email

Use the RSA encrption system with a key length of 200 bits. It will takes them 9 months to break this so by then it will be too late. An excellent book on this topic is An Introduction to Cryptography by Richard A Mollin. There are no more secrets as I am omniscient now.

Chaos thery

Chaos theory outs on end to idea you can change the past by going back in time, you can't. Ha Ha Ha

Chaos Theory Trailer


The only reality is chaos 2^231
The only emotion is love

he KLF "What Time is Love" - VFF demo


People who wear Red white and Blue belong to the illuminati, as well as just being patrotic.
Which politician wears Red,White, Blue who recently got a cabinet post as Business secretary.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Time travel with proof

This is factual, because I could do it.

Time travel with proof


Aliens are just like us, some are good some as bad.

We are all Gods. Awaken. Use trance to access this state.

Alien civilization million of years ahead

Please see this video, it is factual. Aliens are millions of years ahead of you. I am however millions of years ahead of them.

Alien civilization million of years ahead


Friday, 3 October 2008

Robert Anton Wilson 11 - How to Operate Your Brain

Please see attached video on how to operate your brain:-
Robert Anton Wilson 11 - How to Operate Your Brain:-

The natural state of the Brain is Chaos

Please see attached video:-

How To Operate Your Brain ( part 1 of 3 )

Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 2 ) its all illusion.

Please see attached You tube video:-

Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 2 ) its all illusion.

Money will be worthless by 2012

Money will be worthless by 2012. Everything will be free. Just Like in Star Trek

The best site on poker and all the scams on poker sites.

Ultimate bet a poking site have been found cheating. There are a number of web sites who are investigated. They are a very good web site if you want to improve you game. All the two plus plus two books are excellent.
People however are innocent until proven guilty.

Last lecture

How to confront serious illness. He had pancreatic cancer and died, yet he did not moan about it.
The url is:-

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams


Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen

The TED website is an excellent web site for new ideas:

What happens when computers becoming more powerful than us

Please see folllowing video:-

Eidolon A.I. talks about the Singularity, Judgment Day, TLP
This will never ahppen as humans have access to 11 dimensions while robots do not or not just yet.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Ultimate reality

My form appeared like a dream
to sentient beings who are like a dream
I taught them dream like teaching to attain dreamlike enlightenment.

Lord Buddha, Supreme Jewel Mound

The best way to lose stomach fat

The south beach diet is the best way to loose belly fat:-
See the following link:-

You create your own reality

Please see this video:-

Teachers of Light & Keepers of Life + Destiny & Prophesy

Foreign Intelligence - Binary Message left for Us to Learn

This is the reply we got back when we sent our message to ET.

Foreign Intelligence - Binary Message left for Us to Learn

Crop circles are made by Aliens

Please following You tube video.

Turning Point of the Sacred Circle - 2008~2012 GoldRing
The music on this one is beautiful

Crop circles are nade by Aliens

How men and women should behave.

Please this you tube video. This complements the chakras.

Andromedan Evolution + Enlightenment + Spiritual Men + Women
Men represent Method, Women represent Wisdom. Ultimately we are both non-dual.

Optimum Nutrition

Eating the right foods can give you energy and free you from illness.
One of the best books on this subject is New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford.
His website is :-
Over 500,000 copies of his book have been sold.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Human Emotions

This is a good video on human emotions and quantum theory.

The Human Body Energy Centers, Beautiful! (1 of 3)

This is a beatuful meditation on the 7 chakras in the human body:-

Welcome to 2012

Please this youtube 2012:-

Global Shift in Dimensions 2008-2012 Mass Awakening GoldRing

Please see this youtube video:-

Alien Species 2 - Greys and Reptilians

Please see this youtube video

World First Time Machine - Time Paradox 2/2

Why Freewill exists and and there is a multiverse. Also a multidimensional verse

World First Time Machine - Time Paradox 2/2

First Time Machine

This video describes time travel, it will be done around 2012. :)

Discovery - First Time Machine

Greatest Financial Crash ever! The Money

Please see following video regarding way out of this mess, not more bailouts:-

Financial Bubble who knew

Please see following youtube video on current houising bubble:-

The Financial Bubble - Who Knew?

How astrology works - Vedic Astrology

Please see following Google video.

The Dark Side

We need to move away from hate to love. To being passive in Creation to active Creators. That has always been the plan. We are all capable of being Gods, so we need worhsip no one. Money is the route of all evil so leave it behind and follow a higher way. In the higher dimensions you have no need of money. All that exists is pure love. The Dark Side does not exist either. In the end all will be love.

Mind Mapping

The best way to record data is to mind map. This was invented by Tony Buzan. Please see his website.

There are 11:11 Dimensions of concsiousness

Please see following youtube video

Vedic Maths

This is the fastest way to learn maths:-

Record Budget deficit by Bush

Please see this video of the US Budget deficit, both Democrats and Republicans:-
Bush Administration: Budget deficit to widen to record $482 Billion in 2009; $168 Billion economic stimulus package added to record budget deficit; Report and analysis by Lindsey Arent of Bloomberg...

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Infinite Bliss with STEREO binaural beats

This is a great meditation , very relaxing and calming.
Please see youtube vieo:-

Deep Meditation Mind Blowing Visualizations

Youtube video on Deep meditation and good visualizatiion.

Deep Meditation Mind Blowing Visualizations

This is how we should live

You tube video:-
Imagine a world without a religion.

The Grand Deception

Aliens are among us!
See this youtube video:-


Aliens do exist that are 1000 of years ahead of us. This guy is telling the truth.

What revelations really means

Please see following video as it is correct.

Nostradamus, the Universe and everything

Please see following youtube video:-

Skull and bones David Ike

Please see following video.

Skull and Bones History

George Bush belongs to Skull and Bones, admits it on Television

You tube video:-

JFK Blos the whistle on Secret Societies

Please play this video:-

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies!

Losing weight

Please see the South Beach Diet:-
Gets rid of belly fat.

Tibetan Sound healing Part 2 A

Tibetan Sound healing Part 2 A

The onion and 9/11

Amusing take on 9/11

The Onion: '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda

Sound brain waves and dimensions

Please see following youtube video:-

Sound, Brain Waves and Dimensions

Reiki Healing and Chakras

You tube video on Reiki, and Chakras. Very relaxing:-


Skull and bones

Please see this information on this masonic group:-
You tube video:-

skull bones bush secrets

George H Bush

Unified field theory

Please see this link on unified field theory:-

9/11 Conspiracy

The towers were blown up by the US Government.

It was a controlled explosion

Bilderberg Group

New World Order:-
Bilderberg Group
Youtube video:-

13 year count down to the year 2012

The Mayans followed a 13 year calendar not 12.
Don't worry its not the end , but a new beginning, 01/01/01

Alien species Human

This Youtube video describes the alien species Human:-

Alien Species 1 - Humans

Quantum Tunnelling

The reason we exist is due to qunatum tunnelling. See this video.

What is quantum tunneling?

Law of attraction.

This is rubbish. It does work sometimes, but not always. It forgets emptiness, or chaos. Form is empty, emptiness is form. So somethings work through synchonicity but somethings don't. It is that simple.


There is nothing wrong in being Gay. What is important is to be monogamous. Only enlightenbeings like myself can have multiple partners as my tramlama is non-dual. That is why anal sex is also bad for you as it distorts your energy. This only applies to people who practice a religion. If you don't then anal sex is fine.


The US has a weapen that can create earth quakes. Look on youtube for HAARP. The chinese earth quake that measured 6.0 on the richter scale was created using this weapon. China is considering whiping out the illuminati because of this.

2012 is not the end its the beginning

2012 is not the end its the beginning. A new Heaven and a New Earth as the Bible says.

Give up Smoking

Smoking is very bad for you, and you need to stop it now. If you follow any religion please do this. Alcohol drunk excessively is also bad, but this can be transformed. Smoking can't be and makes your mind dull and stupid.

Matrix is real

See this Youtube video on the Matrix. Wake up, none of this is real,
The Buddha said, I taught, dream teachings to dream people. All that exists is concsiousness.

2012: Matrix Singularity Intro

Singularity in 2012

Will computerts be as fast as humans in 2012. Listen to this youtube video on synchronicity, mayan calendar, 2012.

Order in the Chaos - Synchronicity through Fractals

No one world religion

All religions need to be respected. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, New Age. There is no one path to God, or realisation as Buddhists would say.

Chakra meditation

These videos are very good to awaken your chakras.

Healing chapter one: The 7 Chakras
Internal and external are not separate, they are non -dual.

Defeating the dark side

The dark side have already lost so there is no battle really. The best way to defeat them if you want to however is to show them love not hate. Feel sorry for them and forgive them. When there is no anger, they cannot feed on this. Listen to this video on youtube which describes the Andromeda enlightenment.

Andromeda Messages - ET UFO Pleiadians GoldRing Global Shift

Monday, 29 September 2008

First Contact:-

Federation Of Light - 2,000 Mile Long Craft Will Appear on Oct 14th 2008

This will only be a visual contact not a physical meeting, that will come later. They need to destroy the New World Order.

Galactic Federation of Planets

The Galactic Federation of planets does exist and is very similar to Star Trek.
See this video on youtube.
They are the only ones to stop a New World Order

Andromeda Enlightenment

Use the following youtube video to experience the andromeda enlightenment. This will take place between 2008-2012.

Andromeda Messages - ET UFO Pleiadians GoldRing Global Shift
There are at least 10 dimesions, probably maybe even more.
We are all one, yet we are all separate(non-dual)

End Times

The Horsemen of Revelation: The Black Horse of Famine

The food-rich countries' potential to feed the entire planet makes it hard to imagine a famine extensive enough to thrust the earth into a global crisis. Yet the third seal of Revelation 6, employing the symbol of a black horse, describes just such a horrifying scene. How could this happen? What would be its consequences?

Have you seen how expensive food is now. Save your money as the American economy is collapsing as we speak.

Sheep mentality

The US Government want to make people into Sheep so that they can rule over them. Question authority. Ask why, do not follow orders. We are all one.

3 days of darkness - First Contact

There are going to be 3 days of darkness starting on the 14th of October. Please see attached video for further evidence.
First Contact - Pleiadian intervention 2008 (Bluebeam to be made inoperative)
This video confirms the date.

First contact - Begins 14th October 2008