Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Infinite Bliss with STEREO binaural beats

This is a great meditation , very relaxing and calming.
Please see youtube vieo:-

Deep Meditation Mind Blowing Visualizations

Youtube video on Deep meditation and good visualizatiion.

Deep Meditation Mind Blowing Visualizations


This is how we should live

You tube video:-
Imagine a world without a religion.

The Grand Deception

Aliens are among us!
See this youtube video:-


Aliens do exist that are 1000 of years ahead of us. This guy is telling the truth.

What revelations really means

Please see following video as it is correct.

Nostradamus, the Universe and everything

Please see following youtube video:-

Skull and bones David Ike

Please see following video.

Skull and Bones History


George Bush belongs to Skull and Bones, admits it on Television

You tube video:-

JFK Blos the whistle on Secret Societies

Please play this video:-

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies!


Losing weight

Please see the South Beach Diet:-
Gets rid of belly fat.

Tibetan Sound healing Part 2 A

Tibetan Sound healing Part 2 A


The onion and 9/11

Amusing take on 9/11

The Onion: '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda


Sound brain waves and dimensions

Please see following youtube video:-

Sound, Brain Waves and Dimensions


Reiki Healing and Chakras

You tube video on Reiki, and Chakras. Very relaxing:-



Skull and bones

Please see this information on this masonic group:-
You tube video:-

skull bones bush secrets

George H Bush

Unified field theory

Please see this link on unified field theory:-

9/11 Conspiracy

The towers were blown up by the US Government.


It was a controlled explosion

Bilderberg Group

New World Order:-
Bilderberg Group
Youtube video:-

13 year count down to the year 2012

The Mayans followed a 13 year calendar not 12.
Don't worry its not the end , but a new beginning, 01/01/01

Alien species Human

This Youtube video describes the alien species Human:-

Alien Species 1 - Humans


Quantum Tunnelling

The reason we exist is due to qunatum tunnelling. See this video.

What is quantum tunneling?


Law of attraction.

This is rubbish. It does work sometimes, but not always. It forgets emptiness, or chaos. Form is empty, emptiness is form. So somethings work through synchonicity but somethings don't. It is that simple.


There is nothing wrong in being Gay. What is important is to be monogamous. Only enlightenbeings like myself can have multiple partners as my tramlama is non-dual. That is why anal sex is also bad for you as it distorts your energy. This only applies to people who practice a religion. If you don't then anal sex is fine.


The US has a weapen that can create earth quakes. Look on youtube for HAARP. The chinese earth quake that measured 6.0 on the richter scale was created using this weapon. China is considering whiping out the illuminati because of this.

2012 is not the end its the beginning

2012 is not the end its the beginning. A new Heaven and a New Earth as the Bible says.

Give up Smoking

Smoking is very bad for you, and you need to stop it now. If you follow any religion please do this. Alcohol drunk excessively is also bad, but this can be transformed. Smoking can't be and makes your mind dull and stupid.

Matrix is real

See this Youtube video on the Matrix. Wake up, none of this is real,
The Buddha said, I taught, dream teachings to dream people. All that exists is concsiousness.

2012: Matrix Singularity Intro


Singularity in 2012

Will computerts be as fast as humans in 2012. Listen to this youtube video on synchronicity, mayan calendar, 2012.

Order in the Chaos - Synchronicity through Fractals


No one world religion

All religions need to be respected. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, New Age. There is no one path to God, or realisation as Buddhists would say.

Chakra meditation

These videos are very good to awaken your chakras.

Healing chapter one: The 7 Chakras

Internal and external are not separate, they are non -dual.

Defeating the dark side

The dark side have already lost so there is no battle really. The best way to defeat them if you want to however is to show them love not hate. Feel sorry for them and forgive them. When there is no anger, they cannot feed on this. Listen to this video on youtube which describes the Andromeda enlightenment.

Andromeda Messages - ET UFO Pleiadians GoldRing Global Shift


Monday, 29 September 2008

First Contact:-

Federation Of Light - 2,000 Mile Long Craft Will Appear on Oct 14th 2008

This will only be a visual contact not a physical meeting, that will come later. They need to destroy the New World Order.

Galactic Federation of Planets

The Galactic Federation of planets does exist and is very similar to Star Trek.
See this video on youtube.
They are the only ones to stop a New World Order

Andromeda Enlightenment

Use the following youtube video to experience the andromeda enlightenment. This will take place between 2008-2012.

Andromeda Messages - ET UFO Pleiadians GoldRing Global Shift

There are at least 10 dimesions, probably maybe even more.
We are all one, yet we are all separate(non-dual)

End Times

The Horsemen of Revelation: The Black Horse of Famine

The food-rich countries' potential to feed the entire planet makes it hard to imagine a famine extensive enough to thrust the earth into a global crisis. Yet the third seal of Revelation 6, employing the symbol of a black horse, describes just such a horrifying scene. How could this happen? What would be its consequences?

Have you seen how expensive food is now. Save your money as the American economy is collapsing as we speak.

Sheep mentality

The US Government want to make people into Sheep so that they can rule over them. Question authority. Ask why, do not follow orders. We are all one.

3 days of darkness - First Contact

There are going to be 3 days of darkness starting on the 14th of October. Please see attached video for further evidence.
First Contact - Pleiadian intervention 2008 (Bluebeam to be made inoperative)
This video confirms the date.

First contact - Begins 14th October 2008